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Finally in the month of October 2013 we get to the juicy part of the Anni and Jasmin story. We see the two beautiful women start to get close to each other stemming from Jasmin's life problems. Anni tries to cheer Jasmin up and things start to get wet, literally!

Watch Anni and Jasmin October 2013 episodes

While not quite 2 hours long, October's episodes will have you dying for more. We really start to see Jasmine and Anni's story start to develop. Below is a breakdown of October 2013's episodes.

October 2013
-October 1, 2013- 9:07
-October 2, 2013- 7:51
-October 7, 2013- 6:30
-October 8, 2013- 9:39
-October 9, 2013- 7:01
-October 10, 2013- 2:03
-October 14, 2013- 6:19
-October 15, 2013- 7:32
-October 16, 2013- 7:48
-October 21, 2013- 5:27
-October 22, 2013- 8:15
-October 24, 2013- 7:45
-October 25, 2013- 5:04
-October 28, 2013- 6:08
-October 31, 2013- 5:22

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About the Author

Ali Bajwa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Facebook dolor quam, pretium eu placerat eu, semper et nunc. Nullam ut turpis dictum, luctus mi quis, luctus lorem. Nullam porttitor consectetur nunc in tempor!

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