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There's a thin line between love and hate. Anni and Jasmin get off on the wrong foot from the moment they met (which is pretty awkward.) Anni seems to be the rude outspoken newcomer and Jasmin comes off as sort of like an attention whore. Needless to say, in these episodes from August 2013, you wouldn't know that these two girls are destined to be together.

Watch Anni and Jasmin August 2013 episodes

This video includes all scenes with Anni and Jasmin in August 2013 episodes. There is nearly 2 hours of video for this month and it includes a little of some of the other characters stories. Below is a breakdown of the episodes.

August 2013
-August 1, 2013- 8:24
-August 2, 2013- 5:05
-August 5, 2013- 7:41
-August 7, 2013- 8:43
-August 8, 2013- 6:59
-August 9, 2013- 7:34
-August 12, 2013- 8:51
-August 13, 2013- 9:55
-August 14, 2013- 6:39
-August 15, 2013- 5:20
-August 16, 2013- 2:52
-August 19, 2013- 5:45
-August 26, 2013- 8:43
-August 28, 2013-13:29
-August 29, 2013- 6:32
-August 30, 2013- 5:47

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About the Author

Ali Bajwa
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