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Jasmin returns from California after getting her divorce from Kurt and finds Anni back but Anni has a new girl. Jasmin realizes she loves Anni and finally tells her but Anni is no longer interested and is considering leaving to live in Barcelona for good.
Watch Anni and Jasmin's Full Story GZSZ - July 2014 episodes

July's episodes bring a lot to the story that we Jasanni fans have been waiting for. Will they finally make it official or will Anni's stubborn ways prevail? Below is a breakdown of July 2014's episodes.

July 2014
-July 3, 2014- 8:35
-July 4, 2014- 7:38
-July 7, 2014- 5:11
-July 8, 2014- 1:18
-July 9, 2014- 11:32
-July 10, 2014- 10:00
-July 11, 2014- 9:07
-July 14, 2014- 7:56
-July 15, 2014- 5:38
-July 16, 2014- 8:15
-July 17, 2014- 1:38
-July 18, 2014- 8:52
-July 21, 2014- 7:23
-July 23, 2014- 1:11
-July 25, 2014- 2:09
-July 29, 2014- 7:17
-July 30, 2014- 9:21

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About the Author

Ali Bajwa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Facebook dolor quam, pretium eu placerat eu, semper et nunc. Nullam ut turpis dictum, luctus mi quis, luctus lorem. Nullam porttitor consectetur nunc in tempor!

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