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Jasmin's interest in Anni is only getting stronger. She keeps having flashbacks of the time they spent together and seems to be getting more and more curious as time goes by. The bet is over now but is it really what she wanted?

Watch Anni and Jasmin's Full Story GZSZ- April 2014 episodes

April's episodes will answer this question for you. Anni and Jasmin's story only seems to be getting better as time pass. Hopefully the show will keep up to our expectations. Below you can check out a breakdown of April 2014's episodes.

April 2014
-April 2, 2014- 2:39
-April 7, 2014- 7:28
-April 8, 2014- 4:29
-April 9, 2014- 1:25
-April 10, 2014- 2:26
-April 11, 2014- 5:54
-April 14, 2014- 12.05
-April 15, 2014- 14:33
-April 16, 2014- 7:05
-April 23, 2014- 6:51
-April 24, 2014- 6:38
-April 25, 2014- 1:08
-April 28, 2014- 1:37
-April 29, 2014- 5:41
-April 30, 2014- 8:59

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About the Author

Ali Bajwa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Facebook dolor quam, pretium eu placerat eu, semper et nunc. Nullam ut turpis dictum, luctus mi quis, luctus lorem. Nullam porttitor consectetur nunc in tempor!

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